Monday, August 11, 2014

Day ONE--A note from Rob...

It feels like our time is running out at Children of the Promise as we are down to just over 4 months actual time on the ground here.  The almost 10 weeks away because of the burn to my foot has definitely made it feel like we just might be in a sprint to the finish.  In these last months I will be working hard to help hand off and transition the many hats that I wear as the Operations Manager.  I am excited for this opportunity because we are working more towards empowering many of our Haitian staff to make this a reality with the oversight of an International manager.  This is the day-to-day busyness that takes up my time when I am downstairs.

Our family is talking about the bucket list of things we would like to do before we leave, but instead of sharing that bucket list, I’d like to give you my personal bucket list . . .

1. LOTS of moto rides with each of my kids and potentially a few more rides with Erin (she actually asked me last Saturday to drive her into the hotel for better internet for school!).
2. Getting fresh lobster someday while at the beach and bringing it back to cook a great fresh lobster meal.
3. Helping at least one of our kids to be able to ride Wonder, our horse, before we leave.
4. Talk the local soccer guys into letting me play goalie for them sometime when they play for fun outside our gate.
5. Finally, and definitely the most difficult of them all, is whittling down the long list of names of families that we’d like to help with school sponsorship, or home improvements or other ongoing needs.  The need is great for so many and we want to figure out the best way we to help some of our “favorite” employees because we have been given so much!

In light of that, our goal this Friday, August 15, is to raise $25,000, half of what our yearly total was, to finish strong in these final months.  We currently have monthly sponsors that total just over $2,400 per month which means we almost have $14,400 already towards the $25,000!  To help us reach the remaining $10,600 we need help.  For 6 months of August thru January, that’s another $1,800 each month from sponsors, which means we need 18 families or individuals at $100 per month to reach our goal, OR 36 families or individuals at $50 per month to reach our goal.  Will you please pray about the possibility of partnering with us to finish strong and finish well at COTP, especially through our finances.

We look forward to see how God continues to show his goodness, grace and mercy this Friday afternoon we have new partners join us for this final 6 month push

For the KINGdom!

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